Friday, December 21, 2018

The Scoop on Local Scholarships

Within any given community, there exists a number of civic organizations or groups. These groups often raise funds throughout the year for a variety reasons and one of those is often scholarships. These local scholarships can be quite lucrative, but they are not always the easiest to find. So, here is your guide to what can add up to a substantial amount of money.
        Indeed, not all these scholarships might seem like
a lot of money on their face. You might find some scholarships that reward as
little $100 which could seem like a drop in the bucket towards tuition and
other college costs. However, a resourceful student who can win a handful $100
scholarships might be able to make a meaningful impact on their college costs.
        So, where do you find these scholarships? Local
high schools, whether you attend there or not, or a good place to start. The
people who offer the scholarships are often volunteers so they might be looking
to get the word out as easily as they can. They also might have attended school
at a time when school choice was not as prominent as it is today, so they could
be unaware of all the avenues available as a high school. These people are
going to go the easy route as they distribute information about the
scholarships they offer and that means the local public high school.
        You can try to google these scholarships, but that
might lead to dead ends. The civic organizations might not have a web page to
begin with, and if they do it’s not likely to be a top result from Google’s
algorithm, unless you are searching for something very specific in which case
you probably already know what you need to know about the scholarship. Students
would be better served keeping tabs on local newspapers where information about
these and the fundraisers they are supported by are often published.
        Lastly, you can just ask around. If a student or
their parents have connections to civic groups, ask a member of the group
offers a scholarship. I suppose my point here is that students are going to
need in look in some places they are not used to or are not comfortable with to
find these scholarships. They are going to have to get off-line, read a
newspaper, and talk to real people on the phone or in person. That’s where
these types of scholarships are most likely to be found and there a lot of them.
        It is worth it though. While there are some small
scholarships out there, many of these organizations have well-oiled
fundraisers, endowments, and volumes of contributors that make for hefty
prizes. There are several organizations in my community that offer scholarships
in the thousands of dollars and some of those are renewable each year.
Unfortunately, these scholarships are not flush with applicants, so the
competition is slim. That’s a good thing for these students who choose to apply,
and it makes their effort in finding these all that much more worthwhile.